Is Zero Percent Hardcore Poverty A Realistic Goal?

One of the significant achievements we can celebrate is our efforts to reduce hardcore poverty in Malaysia. However, we must realize that this is not a one-time effort that can stop there. The reduction of hardcore poverty needs to be carried out continuously, without pause. This endeavor requires perseverance and consistency, especially in facing economic challenges that can impact hardcore poor families.

In this context, we cannot unravel poverty directly. This effort needs to be continuous and systematic. For example, during an economic downturn, many families may fall into the category of hardcore poor. Therefore, we need to have a continuous approach to address this issue, not only in good economic conditions but also in challenging situations.

I support efforts towards reducing hardcore poverty, but it should be remembered, that setting the value of hardcore poverty to zero percent may not be realistic. Certain situations in the economy do not allow us to achieve zero percent in this parameter. For example, the unemployment rate is one aspect that cannot reach zero percent in real economic conditions.

The unemployment rate is considered full employment when it is in the range of 3-4%. However, even in good conditions, we cannot eliminate unemployment. Therefore, it should be taken into account that our efforts in reducing hardcore poverty are an endeavor that requires resilience and willingness to continue working for the welfare of society.

Let’s not despair if we can’t achieve a zero percent target, but continue to strive and be consistent in supporting programs and initiatives that can help reduce hardcore poverty in our society.




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